1.a release from the penalty of an offense
2.forgiveness of a serious offense or offender.
The Light-Jesus
John 1:9&12 The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world...But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Bring The Rain"

As I've mentioned many times, I love music. I love that the lyrics say things that I might not ever put into words and how the power of a great song can stop me in my tracks at any moment. I can be anywhere and suddenly I'm compelled to stop and lift my hands, close my eyes, and praise. I LOVE IT! Countless times I've been driving down the road, just listening to whatever comes on the radio and suddenly find myself moved to tears. I love that God speaks to me through the music and the music allows me to worship and praise Him in amazing ways.

I'm a lyrics person. I know others that just enjoy the tune and the flow of the song. I do understand that. I love a good beat, a nice rhythm, or kickin' drum or guitar solo. Heck, a good friend of mine frequently points out that I am prone to spontaneous dancing at any time, in any place. No one else hears the music but I'm dancing to the song in my head. This is true, I won't deny it, but when it's all said and done, I'm all about the lyrics.

So...finally, hears what's been on my mind for a few days.
In a song by Mercy Me, the lyrics go like this:
"Bring me joy, Bring me peace,
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings you glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise you
Jesus, bring the rain

The first time this song got my attention I was in a women's prison with a ministry team. We were there to paint the cell walls and were allowed to bring in a guitar to lead some worship music. We sang all sorts of songs but when these ladies sang this particular song, it got my attention. They belted it out. Throughout the entire cell, women were letting it out. These women knew pain, they new what it was like to be without freedom. Some of them have found what true freedom is-even in a jail cell. These women have been in the rain, many of them in worse storms than I've ever found myself. Yet, they sang these words and they meant it. You could see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices.

Now, suddenly this week, this song has popped back in my head. I haven't even heard it in a while but I can't forget the words. To truly worship God during our times of pain and suffering is the greatest honor. It demonstrates our true love for and understanding of our savior, Jesus Christ. So, I considered these words and I wondered, could I make these words my prayer? Am I willing to say, "if that's what it takes to praise you, Jesus, bring the rain?" At this point in my life, I am. I'd rather be with Jesus in the worst situation than be in the best place this world can offer without Him.

This has really been on my heart for a few days, so I'd ask you to consider it. Would you ask Jesus to bring the rain? If not, how can you get to that point? What's stopping you?

1 comment:

  1. Tamra,

    I love this song so much! What a great experience you had with those ladies....there is a blog that my friend follows called "bring the rain" about a woman who was told her unborn baby wouldn't liveand that she needed to abort...they prayed and believed, and he baby was born. Unfortunately he didn't make it, but their story of faith is amazing!

    Can I ask Jesus to bring the rain?? It's funny because I sometimes act like my creator dosen't know what's going on in my head and that if I don't say anything, he won't know.....kind of like asking Jesus to bring people for me to witness to into my life....I know if I ask for it, it will happen, so I get scared and don't ask. Same as bringing the rain...I know these situations stretch us and grow us, but I selfishly don't ask for them because I guess I think I'm better off????

    Any who, Jesus will bring the rain weather I ask for it or not.....I'm done rambling! have an awesome day!

