1.a release from the penalty of an offense
2.forgiveness of a serious offense or offender.
The Light-Jesus
John 1:9&12 The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world...But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

the clock keeps ticking

Wow, when I went on to post this blog I saw that my last post was in April. That's kind of sad. It seems that time passes way too quickly. All of my intentions may be great but what good are great intentions? The only thing that really counts is action. As I ponder all that has been accomplished in the last two months, so many of the things seem like forever ago. Even the last week of school seems like a distant memory. I can definitely say that last week at Camp His Way was amazing and I'll cherish those memories for a life time! It was also great preparation for my mission trip. I know that God had this in His plan all along.

As I spent time with those kids and prayed with them during chapel, I realized that I can reach out and share in the pain and suffering of others, I can share in their joy and celebrations, I guess I just learned that I really can share in their lives. This probably doesn't make sense, so here's my best attempt at explaining. I knew that could feel empathy or excitement for others but what I wasn't sure about was to go before my Father on their behalf, right then, out loud, in public, where they can hear me and I can totally get lost in the moment. I was amazed at how many times I was brought to tears while praying with these children. God gave me the words to say, just as he has so many times in the past. I know that when I'm out there in the middle of nowhere on that mission, I'll see so many things that I can't yet imagine but I also know that God will be there with the right words for the moment. Perhaps there won't be any words and he'll give me the right touch or look or who knows what. The point is, he'll provide. I have nothing to fear.

Floyd leaves for Uganda in 10 days. I am amazed how time has passed and God has changed us in so many ways. To look back on where we've been and how far away Floyd was, I am astonished by the changes. In ten days he'll get on a plane and travel half-way around the world to share the love of Christ. He doesn't like to fly; he had aboslutely no desire to ever leave the US for any reason, even leisure, let alone a mission; and we definitely are not in a position financially to make all of this happen. God has provided a great deal of his funding already and we're trusting that God will provide the rest in the next 10 days. It is all just so amazing.

Raegan and I will leave for South Dakota in 7 weeks. The more we learn about our destination, the more I realize what we're up against. When you here South Dakota you think, "ok, no big deal." I'm shocked to discover that our conditions there will be as bad as those in Uganda. The dark forces definitely have a stronghold. As we get closer, Raegan and I both get more nervous. We're trusting God to protect us and our team. We're praying that he'll prepare the hearts and minds of the people to hear and see His love through us.

Anyway, this is getting long and I really don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling. God's work in my life is beyond amazing and I could never express my gratitude sufficiently. Fortunately, I know that all I have to do is accept His grace.